Jeff Greene's Daily Photo

By JeffGreene

Night Hike with the Scouts

Since the church where we hold our regular troop meetings was closed due to the MLK holiday, AND there was nearly a full moon tonight, our scout troop decided it was a perfect opportunity to take a night hike.

The weather was great (ie: no rain, snow, and the temperature was above freezing) and the boys all had a great time hiking by moonlight and headlamp up the Tiger Mountain trail just outside Issaquah, WA.

Photography was a challenge of course. I hate to use flash since it ruins the ambiance and trashes everyone's night vision, so I attempted a few time exposures.

This image is 30 seconds long and was captured as the boys descended a set of switchbacks down the side of Tiger Mountain. Ambient light only with some extra illumination from the scouts headlamps as they walked by,

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