without becoming pictures

By lani

So it goes, another lonely day.

I went to sleep last night fully intending to spend this afternoon at a local park, taking photos of snowy trees and unique footprints. When I woke up, I was pleasantly surprised to find that today's DS assignment is "a photograph featuring a path, road, or trail that leads the eye through the photograph," which suited my purposes rather perfectly.

Around noon, I headed out into the cold, hoping that the sun that was trying to seep through would eventually do its worst to these monochromatic grays. Things looked rather promising, actually...until I got to the park.

The skies grew even darker, or if not dark, then perhaps simply dank. It started to rain a sharp, cold, freezing kind of rain and most of the snow was patchy at best. Within the span of just a couple minutes, my gloved fingers were cold and painfully stiff and it became clear that the light was basically cursory at this point.

I did find a park bench to hop up onto and I found a curve in a path I quiet liked, but even with the extra height, I couldn't get the width of the path in its entirety. If you squint, you can see that I honestly did get it to go through the entire shot, but it's honestly a single pixel at its narrowest. Hmph.

Tomorrow's a new day, I hope.

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