The (not so) quiet life

By Abikaty

Bad Medicine

Poor Minion number one is ill. After complaining of a sore tummy for a few days she finally succumbed after nursery today. Her temperature hit 39.5 and she took to her bed with Hello Kitty, two blankets and her duvet and has stayed there for the rest of the day. It really isn't like her to be ill so we're really feeling pretty sorry for her. But given that she's also not eating we'll be saving a small fortune in groceries so we'll take her out for a nice treat when she's perked up again.

Minion number two and I decided to make the most of being housebound and have a clear up of the midden. On one of her foraging expeditions Minion number two discovered a blue make up crayon (belonging to her sister rather than me- can't quite carry off the Pat Butcher look myself) and gave herself a bit of a makeover before biting the top off the crayon and heading off to see what else she could lay her grubby little paws on. I think you'll agree though that it does bring out the blue of her eyes. As for the tidying I think it was a little beyond Minion number two as for every item I would put away she would take out at least three more. It may be my persecution complex kicking in but I'm sure she knew exactly what she was doing.

Quote of the day: "I don't want any medicine mummy, I'm not hungry" Minion number one.

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