Suki McSuki

By SukiMcSuki

Moggy McMog

I think all this festivity and indulgence is taking its toll on my wee mogus...

I am having to exist in tropical temperatures at home, as she needs the fire on full bung so she can wallow directly in front of it like a great sloth after having had a swim in a vat of chloroform...

If I don't put the fire on for her she is incredibly grumpy and I can't resist her when she goes to sit in front of the fire when it's off and then looks round at me with a pathetic expression on her face and shooting me daggers from her gorgeous green eyes...

Yeah I know - allowing a feline to rule your life is extremely sad but I can't help it - she's served me a lot of years - almost 13 - and I love her...

...just waiting for some of you Blipmates to post a shot of the skeleton fight scene from today's Jason and the Argonauts...!!!

Go on - you know you want to...!!!!

(And - yes - I do have one of my own - but it's a bit mad and abstract looking...!!!!!!!)

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