Framer's Intent...

By Scrybe

Cunning Plan Reveal Alert!!

Cue the sirens... ;-P

Okay, my blip is of Stan, a local legend, playing the harp at Bold Street Coffee Shop. I really wanted to blip this,for a street shot that isn't on a bus for once! And I also kinda wanted to blip this,for another bus shot, and one to pair with the red jacket girl from December. But Stan wins, for the sake of the CPR (Cunning Plan Reveal)...

I had a meeting with Sam, the lovely owner of Bold Street Coffee today, and can now confirm that from 13th May to the end of June, we will be presenting MiniFrames, an exhibition of street photography, there. This will be part of the Look11 photo festival, and it will feature work by the Austrian and German collective, Seconds2Real and work by the talented photojournalist and street photographer, Mimi Mollica! Woo hoo! :-D

We also hope to show some work by a Liverpool photographer (not moi, not moi, I'm doing this properly...) on our website (to be launched v v soon). This work will be in the documentary style, and will supplement some of our planned content. Got talks about that coming up, so can't say more until it's all nailed down.

Bold Street Coffee has, in my unbiased opinion, the best coffee in all of Liverpool. It has become a staple of my town flaneuring and really got me through the coldest weather we've had in 2010 and 2011, and the staff are supreme. Well worth stopping by for mocha or two. Stan seems to have a regular spot playing there, and his music provides a very relaxing backdrop to the chilled urban vibe.

This is not the full extent of my cunning planningness over recent months, but it is something I can now officially announce, and I've kept you all waiting long enough. Stay tuned for more wonderful announcements asap! And if you're in Liverpool, or are planning to visit the Look11 festival, please d stop by and check out the work. We have some very special events lined up that I'd be delighted to see some fellow blippers participate in as well. :-)

Oh yeah, and I now have a new Cunning Plan. *Smirks in evil fashion* Unrelated to all the previous Cunning Planningness, but to begin in earnest in early March, and hopefully to come to fruition sometime before July. Don't know if it will work just yet, but I have all my fingers crossed (except for my shooting fingers, obv).

UPDATE: I also really really really like this image, as well. Sorry, I'm happy facing about today - relaxed but productive shooting, plans cunningly finalised, announcements made. It's all good. Helps takes the edge off my feeling low of late, too.

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