
This was our beautiful Magaliesberg mountains, through C&Rsnr's bedroom window, just after 7 this morning!!

Eisch guys, remember how I prayed and begged for rain a mere 6 weeks ago? Wow, wow, South-Africa is quite flooded by now!! Lóts of tragic dramas playing out all over the country daily, people being rushed out of their houses, cars swept away on bridges, bridges collapsing, people drowning, a rescue worker drowned, eisch, heartbreaking stories!! Fortunately we are still way out of danger's way, our house is quite close to the Hartbeespoort Dam, but we are well above the 100 year flood level!

R snr informed me tonight that I am scheduled to do the 'Blipthing' at the school's afternoon activities from Tuesday, on a weekly basis again! Let's hope it will be more of a success story this year! I must hand in my 'lesson plans' on Friday, and I will be working with the new English teacher this time, and she is apparently very professional, R snr is very impressed with her!

Tomorrow is 'House-sports', from 12:00 throughout the afternoon, and parent's BBQ tomorrow night, it was supposed to happen last Friday, but rained out! I will be busy taking photos from 12:00 till after the BBQ, so, tomorrow's going to be hectic for me again!! Luvvvv it! ;-)

Hope your Thursday's going to be magic!!

Oh, oh!! Does it mean anything to post your 800th Blip? Don't really think so, but anyway, this is my 800th!! Woohoo!! NO gaps!! Woohoo!!

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