Wandering Gypsie

By WanderingGypsie

Snow Day!

While nothing right now could top the euphoria of my 100th blip, or finding out i hit the spotlight with that SAME blip (yesterday's blip) this is a very close second i think. I am not quite sane..i LOVE to drive out in the snow! IF my Rover is good for anything, it's plowing through the snow and making it look and seem easy! I love a good 4X4 vehicle!

Pheenyx loves to call me his *Snow Bunneh* i'd much rather the warmer climate. I hate being cold! BUT, i do so love playing in the white stuff with 4WD and pushing my vehicle to the limits to see what it can really do. My aging Rover is slowly dying that's for sure..but it STILL handles the drive like a champ!

Thanks to everyone for your kind words and compliments and congrats on reaching one hundred blips.. onward from here! :D I can't wait until i reach the year mark!

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