Lost Between Worlds

By PaganParent

Does Anyone Have The Time?

I know I do.

I scrutinized my budget yesterday.

After having a sheer stroke of luck at the pharmacy(saving $26), I had some extra money.

So I got the one thing I've wanted, but could never justify purchasing.

An analog watch. I love analog clocks. I even have two on my computer desktop screen, one with my time, and one with my mum's in Wales.

I have a cell phone, and this cell phone actually have a digital analog clock(a simulated one) on it.

However, this semester, my classes are very close together in time, and each teacher insists that the phone be OFF, and will dock you for attendance if you even look at the thing. So, checking it for the time will not happen.

So, now, timeless, I find myself being able to justify my purchase.

Genuine leather band, quartz, stainless steel.


And mine!


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