The Little Things

By thelittlethings

Talkin' Bout a Revolution

by Tracy Chapman

The New Hampshire debates were tonight. I actually turned on my television to watch something! I watched the four democrats go at it but happily skipped out on watching the republicans. A few friends and I discussed the current political situation the other day, and it reminded me as to how little I've kept up with it lately. Starting now I need to get informed as to what each candidate is about and how likely it seems that they will go through with their proposals.

My reaction to what was tossed around was different than I anticipated, mainly in regards to Barack. There were some tense moments, more than I'd expected for sure, but there were also some funny bits of relief. I've gotta say that my favorite part had to be when my girl Hil stated that becoming the first woman president would be a pretty big change, in regards to the focus on change.

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