Abstract Eyes

By abstracteyes

Birthday Weekend

A Birthday Weekend. Our son's birthday weekend. And the evening before his own birthday party, he was invited to the birthday party of one of his best little buddies. A bowling/pizza party.

On the way to the party, my son said to me, "This is going to be AWESOME Mom!" It's moments like these when I fully realize how quickly he is growing up. He is not my baby anymore. Well, he will always be my baby but he is a kid now. He is a boy who is learning about life. Making important decisions. And fully enjoying the social world.

The bowling party was a hit. Twelve little kids huddled around the bowling balls as each are retrieved from the lane. Choosing their favorite color. Running up to the line with excitement in their faces. Literally dropping the ball on the ground and watching the ball ssssslllloooowwwwllllyyyy make its way towards the pins. Jumping up and down as the first pin is knocked over.

And the parents. For us, it is yet another social event. Catching up with friends. Some chasing after much younger toddlers. It is chaos but organized chaos and exciting chaos. And I'm able to kick back and enjoy the fact that for the evening, I am not the hostess. My 'hostess with the mostess' job will come tomorrow morning.

My son has grown up with the birthday boy. He is the son of one of my best friends. They came into this world as little friends who attended, 'Book Babies' together at the library. And then swimming lessons. And then soccer camp. And about a million little playdates in between. They have a special little bond and it is just such a shock that they are both celebrating their fifth birthdays already. Five years. Five years that have gone so quickly. Five years that I thank God every single day for. Five incredibly special years for both of our families.

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