
By Instography

That was Tuesday

Surprisingly cold start this morning. Frosty and since the bus decided to be late today, I had the joy of standing at the stop feeling all the heat in my body leaking away. And it carried on the bus, since it was freezing. At least the train was warm. The changing light in the morning is starting to get noticeable and this morning it was clear enough to see right out to the frequently blipped Cockenzie power station (if you make it large enough) as seen here, here and here.

Ordinarily I would think it was excessive to spend most of the day writing an email. It wasn't that it was long but every word needed to be weighed. Between that and a tender that might cover a nice big chunk of the year's turnover most of the day was spent staring at a screen. Apart from the walking in the morning and lunchtime, which was pleasantly aerobic.

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