Every Little Step

By moonfairy


As you can see I've been playing with my camera.

Today has been a bit of a mixed bag.

Rushed Sophia to the vets, she is very poorly. I was even more upset when the vet told me that the AWL has the most virulent form of cat flu, because they take in strays and abandoned cats as well as surrendered ones.

I thought I was doing a good deed and now it's backfired on me.

After the vets I went to a new hairdresser, and I actually got a good haircut, so that was ok.

Then I wandered around at the shops, but that just made me depressed.

I eventually went home, so my husband could go out, it's the last day of his holidays.

Everyone is getting very fraught again. We're all getting irritated with each other. Depression is starting to kick in again.

Life is not very good at the moment.

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