Club 107

By club107

The most depressing day of the year

Anyone familiar with my life will know that I rarely have the time to put my thoughts to paper, take photos I would like to, etc ad nauseum. I have 20 minutes to spare on the bus, so I start before even blipping.

It would appear that today is the most 'depressing day of the year' and I thought I would see how people reacted in general today, measure it on a scale of 1 to 10, and try to find a reason for this good/bad mood.

Number 1 son - 10 Having spent a very long time feeding, I think it would have been hard to get the wee fellow down.

Man at garage - 3 A fairly unpleasant character, and i did try to remain positive with the guy but it was negativity central. Somewhat redeemed when he called back and I told him that I appreciated his call, looks like the reapir required shall be taken under warranty.

Blipper met in the street - I reckon a 9 or 10. I always tend to bump into EcoDad when I have to take my car to the extremities of beyond. Good chat with someone of a constantly positive disposition.

Shopkeeper at the bottom of the road - 1 This must be his day. Having plundered the daughter's pocket money store, (yesterday she asked if I needed money, she can give me hers, I truly love my daughter and her generosity) I wanted to get change to replace it before I had even spent the borrowed quid. So I go into the shop to get change, select a Freddo, (hey a grown man can eat chocolate frogs in dignity!) take it to the counter and the conversation could have been thus.

'Do you really just want this you 'expletive'? I despise your type, with your chocolate frog eating ways.'

'Sorry I need change and I also want a chocolate to go with my coffee.'

'I shall now have to send my children out to work to find more change, you have taken all the change we own, I must close the shop....'

The actual conversation involved very ugly looks and me saying thanks and Bye.

Bus driver 8 - Sun is out, streets are clear.

Man at garage revised - 6 I'd put it down to not being a morning person, I chatted and he loosened up.

Child # 2 9 - Sunny disposition.

and me? 8/9 - good day

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