Gable Erratic

By MsGable


This book is perfection. Mr Toibin's writing is a joy.

Even though I finished the book several days ago, so deeply has the story affected me that I am still concerned for the book's main character. It is a book I will return to in years to come.

It has dawned on me that if I never left these four walls again, where I have been incarcerated since last Friday, that I have enough books to blip for the rest of my days, no matter how long I last. I could become a hermit (quite happily, so long as I had internet access) and still continue to blip. The only drawback to this is that G works from home, and at home nowadays, rather than when he used to work from home and go out a lot. Somehow I don't think I would be a hermit for very long.

Thank you everyone for your good wishes over the weekend, I have been a poorly miserable soul, but I took your sound advice and stayed at home today, and I must say I do feel a lot less feeble this afternoon. Work tomorrow I think.

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