He da man!

I got up early and went for a run. I feel like getting back into the whole running thing. Even at 7.20 am, it was pretty warm and I struggled a bit, but managed my 15 minutes of puffing.

I went to the park for my run with one dog, and came home with two. A beautiful wee Springer Spaniel girl followed us home. Quietly, I think she was a bit smitten with the handsome Cousteau, and who could blame her? I checked her tags and there wasn't one with the owner's number on it, so I called the pound. They were here within ten minutes to pick her up, which I thought was pretty good. I hope her owners checked there first and didn't spend the whole of the day worrying about her.

Then off to Mass.

Home and out to lunch for Y's Birthday. It was a fun lunch, particularly the fact that we had to hold the table cloth and food down at points as the Nor' Wester did its blustery thing.

I cleaned the kitchen after that. It was so warm that I couldn't really be outside for too long.

I've decided that moving things from one place to another is not really dealing with the messy problem I have in my house. Time to get rid of things.

Dog walk and a quick photoshoot with B. He tells me he's going to lose the hair this week. We'll see.

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