Flying bee

By flyingqueenbee


"People set out with grand dreams of changing the world, falling in love, doing something amazing. But the drift toward the merely acceptable happens almost without notice. That does not have to be your story"
A Million Miles in a Thousand Years - Donald Miller

"He had to choose between something he had become accustomed to and something he wanted to have."
The Alchemist - Paulo Coelho

We all know we were meant for something better, something fantastic and then we get tangled up. In what? I don't know. Life? Expectations? Responsibilities? Insert appropriate answer here _____.

Point being, it is not easy, but it IS best. Working in the hope that you are on the path to awesome instead of coasting on the path to fine...HARD WORK. Seemingly unrewarding work more often than not as well. I'd rather be on the path to awesome though. Even if I never actually make it there :)

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