GAD's 365


Cassius the cat

This is Cassius' debut on my blip. He doesn't normally sit still long enough to get a good shot of him but I think I disturbed a mid morning snooze when I took this. That would explain why he looks so angry with me but at least it meant he didn't move. Light was shining on him through the window which gave quite a nice effect.

I don't have a lot to say about today as it has been one of the least productive days I remember. And I've thoroughly enjoyed it!

Today's activity:

Woken up by cat attack around 7.30 am.
Fed cats, went back to bed.
Got up late.
Ate eggs
Drank Tea
Watched Die Hard 2
Drank Tea
Watched Die Hard with a vengeance
Drank Tea
Took some photos
Drank tea
Put stuff on ebay
Found loads of other stuff on ebay that I can't afford but they have accidently ended up on my watch list anyway.
And that bring me to now.

Hope you blippers have had great weekends.

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