Just what I needed

An unexpected text yesterday from my sister led to a visit from the family this morning.

This prompted me yesterday to do some cleaning and try to catch up on some things that had been left during the week last week. The next thing to catch up on is shopping as the cupboard is largely devoid of decent things to eat. Or anything to eat if I am honest.

I am very lucky to have such wonderful family. My brother and his wife, my sister and her husband and children. My parents, step parents, aunts, uncles, cousins and my Grandma. I am lucky that I have such a large family and despite the fact that we are spread around Liverpool, Cheshire, London and Spain, I do feel the strength from them when times are a little troubling or downright difficult.

Last night a text from my sister-in-law made me smile - she is looking into trying to set up an exhibition for me down in London.

A friend also commissioned me to create a piece of art for her house.

This morning, cuddles from my newest nephew set the world back on an even keel for a little while. It amazes me that I seem to quite naturally slip into 'mothering' mode with little ones - I haven't lost my ability to get babies to burp, or to stand and watch out of the window whilst unconsciously (at first) rocking gently from side to side. Henry is just wonderful, the image of his brothers and sister. A real smiler too. I fell in love with him, as I have done with Stanley, Eve and Scotty before him.

Stanley is a proper character. Seems to be afraid of nothing. 'Cuddling' the real cats, straight upstairs to see the Bearded Dragon with his sister. Climbing, posing with hats, and when asked to do his 'smile face' with James, produced the most hilarious grimacy smile I have seen in a while.

Eve, as ever, was straight to her favourite cousin. Holding his hand, cuddles a plenty. She announced that she wanted James' cabin bed when he didn't want it anymore, with a slight implication that she meant "Now!".

It was a wonderful hour, which filled our home with liveliness, energy and laughter and it was a great tonic to counter the last few days. James has now retreated to his room for some quiet time.

Now, it's Asda. Food.

Then off out to spend some quality time, story telling about Geoff, with some friends. A number of glasses will be raised to you this afternoon my friend.

Thanks for continuing messages of support.

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