If You Could See Me Now


Sun Shine City.


I was gonna get up at 7am, but ended up waking up at 6.15am, and got up a bit after that.

Then had breakfast at Nick's Mum's, which was really REALLY good!!! :)

Then had to go to the library to get books, and instead of waiting a half hour for the bus I walked home...

Thanks to Nick putting sunscreen on my face at breakfast, my face isn't burnt. But my arms are now an uneven shade of tan.

Have been trying to pack for Queenstown all afternoon...

I can't really get into it.

I'm very tired.

And I don't really like camping...

But I'm forgetting about that dislike of mine this week!

Coz I don't think I could deal with another week without Nick.

Hence, why I'm camping :)

This is me playing with my 90mm 2.8!!!


Have a great week my friends! Prepare for backblips!


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