
By notabeve

Cheaters Never Prosper?

At least not right away?

Roger, the enormous squirrel, managed to extricate a whole cake of suet from the feeder today. Holding it in both front paws he made his way up the willow and then, after short calculations, leaped to the spruce bough which overhangs it. His mental math apparently hadn't allowed for occupied forepaws and the extra 200 to 300 grams of suet in them. Instead of racing onto the branch he landed with a powdery"pouf!" in soft snow. For several long moments he sat still. Then he rummaged in the snow until he found his pilfered prize and headed up the trunk of the spruce.

I was laughing instead of snapping but here he is shortly after the surprise landing.

The how-to for this is beautifully demonstrated in a Gavin Hoey tutorial. And "Thank you!" to the blipper whose link I followed to the dozens of great on-line tutorials that he offers.

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