A Tribute to Life.

By suzannesimons

Baby Kitten

Today, I found in our garden this little kitten.
Since a week I knew about this kitten and his 4 brothers down the road, under the bridge.
Last week a lady told me that somebody dumped 5 little kittens.
I helped to catch her 1 and we thought to catch them all day by day.
In the mean time , I took care about Gustò, because he was very restless in the evening.
It's a pity he cannot reproduce himself anymore because he would be a perfect beauty but it's better this way, for many reasons.
I thought the kittens were gone by now, because I did not see them anymore, but today this little one was running into a tree by not being catch by my dog Priscilla.
The little one was scared by dead, and so I decided to catch him.
What a little beauty, and so tender. In the afternoon I went to the vet to have a check up with him and to take care about his cold.
I would like to keep this little one, but .....
I have to find him a home, even if he found already a home!

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