
By 42

Hello, Hello, Hello

Well - we've been here before on a sunnier day, but I couldn't resist the lonely photogenic tree for a snowy blip.

This one even comes connected to a story ... There I was trudging through a snowy field with the hood of my waterproof jacket up and my hiking boots on when a police car passed on the lane next to the field. I was being a good citizen and walking by the edge of the field even though there is no crop (just grass). Two minutes later the police car passed again going the other way. Stopped. Put its blue flashing lights on and the driver looked at me. Pointedly.

I waved my camera at him and he gave me the thumbs up and drove off. What on earth made him think I was up to no good .. and what that could be I'll never no. Must've been a slow crime day as all the crims went sledging!

... and Bri, if you read this, its my first RAW post too!

Edit: ... and check out yesterday's star wars bird blip if you fancy it. It got posted a bit late yesterday...

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LOTD: In Pursuit of Happyness's sunshine on leaf blip catches the light perfectly. And I couldn't resist the Leaf/Leith gag.

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