Joe's Blips

By joesblips


As age begins to catch up on me it is getting increasingly more difficult to stoop down over a low tripod and even more difficult to get back up again from a squatting position. All my own fault of course. This is what happens later on to people who don't look after their backs in earlier life. Tinnitus and slight deafness brought about be prolonged use of noisy equipment over many years in the diesel fuel injection business, is another thing which has been causing some annoyance in recent times.
Nothing much I can do about the ears but I decided to to something about the stooping problem. Simple answer. Buy a right angled viewfinder. Yippee! Now I can peer down to see the picture rather than having to get down behind the regular viewfinder. Of course, the real answer is something like Canon's EOS 60D with its vari angled live view, screen but the cost is way out of my scope at present.
Eh, what has all of this got to do with today's blip. Well nothing really, except that this was shot on my first session with the new finder, that's all. Weather conditions were foul. It was drizzling and blowing a 30knot wind when I shot this. Ten minutes later the drizzle became incessant rain and that put a stop to the experiment.
Shot with three 4x Neutral Density filters on board in order to make for a long shutter speed. The Curvature of the horizon is the result of shooting at the wide end of the zoom, nothing else.

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