Titley Times

By racheltitley


The fire alarm in our building is tested every Friday morning

This means that as soon as you pick up a phone or start making a presentation the sounder goes followed by the loudest women telling you its a test, followed by another loud man telling you its a fire alarm, followed by the same loud woman telling you its all over and if you can stop your ears bleeding then its all OK.

Today we had a double dose, but second time round it was a full evacuation test - so here we all are loitering outside in that aimless way that people do when they don't know what's happening, if its real or not, and the rest of the world just wanders by.

It was only a test and back inside just before it absolutely tipped it down - just wait for the post match report on our performance - they may deduct points for the PA that stopped to put her lipgloss on (you never know who might be there) or the people that brought their cups of tea with them or perhaps those of us that stopped to get our coats or even the ones stood having a fag while the building (didn't) burn.

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