secret garden

By freespiral

Sunny Cove ...

...not looking very sunny. You can tell which way the wind blows, and boy, it was!! I got seriously wet shortly after taking this but it's a very pretty spot - this little rocky strand sticks out into the bay, and behind it is a small fresh water lagoon, full of reeds and two resident swans. The little hawthorn tree clings on bravely. This is actually private property and a big metal fence plus gates has been put up at the side of the road - can a beach be private? Anyway, the gates have been pushed asunder and there is enough space to squeeze through - I was not the first.

Now in full research re cards and today I met a man about printing things. He was in much demand so I have a further appointment to see him on Monday. He looks hopeful and can print cards to any size I like, then I would have to find envelopes and little bags. Alternatively you can buy card sets and mount the print yourself. Cards with windows would be best but finding a decent size aperture is difficult. Both options will be explored!

We finished watching True Blood last night - crikey, very action-packed but very well done, and the music is amazing. Have a good weekend everyone.

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