More Life of Sands

By sands

Kelp Bashing

We had one trip out on the boat today - and the same fabulous shark came to see us again! He came to the boat 52 times in about 45 mins - I know because I was collecting data today! We have data sheets we complete to collect information on any distinguishing features the shark has (scars, bite marks, parasites etc) and on it's behaviour each time it comes to the boat.

One behaviour sharks occasionally show is 'kelp bashing' where they nibble on pieces of kelp on the surface. No one is sure why they do this and I have only seen this once before but our shark did this twice today and my blip shows one of those times.

We have had a chilled out afternoon and tonight we are having a braai (South African BBQ) as it's one of the volunteer's birthday plus 3 of our volunteers (the Aussies) are leaving tomorrow.

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