In Pictures and Words

By danebsworth

White Trash Party

All went well at the long awaited W.T.P. Dance floor was full for the most part, drinks were had (and spilled), my playlist was congratulated, Hammer's heavy rap music dominated for the later hours, pizza went down well, some beers were left over (amazingly), the peppar vodka was mixed with coke as opposed to regular vodka (Rich / Ian), it was also drank neat under the mistaken guise of peppermint vodka (nice work Teegy), everyone looked completely chaved up...and to my knowledge no-one pucked in the house!

In Other News
The nerve of the locals never ceases to amaze. We've endured baby showers into the early hours (week long baby showers), the infernal sound of the call to prayer at all un-Godly hours, hammering and drilling under candle light between the hours of midnight and 3am... and one of the gits has the cheek to explain that he'd like some sleep (11pm!!!) so would we possibly turn the music off?

Door closed...jog on!

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