Return to the North

By Viking

Like a couple of old women

Came to Christchurch to see the Ron Muech exhibition at the city Art Gallery. If you ahven't been already and live within travelling distance of CHCH - go - it is one of the most phenomenal exhibitions I have ever seen.

The sculptures are incredibly life like , so much so you desperately want to touch them, to feel the 'skin'. They are truly awesom. The premise seems to be that the younger you are the bigger you are and the older you are the smallr. So you get a 2m sized baby with umbilical cord, going through huge prime of adulthood to the shrinking in age.

These 'old women' were probably a metre in height maybe. Around the corner was one of an old lady curled up in a hospital bed. It so reminded me of the last time I saw my grandma that it reduced me to tears. I defy anyone to see the exhibition and not feel moved - it was just amazing, disturbing, thought provoking and for me emotional but amazing none the less.

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