
By rah

this sums up the evening perfectly!

so, wew, the women of little missenden get together the first thursday of the month (although our livers were feeling rather fragile after the festivities of Christmas!) for a general p*** up! (named Little Missenden Crumpet the first night we got togsether....and now we're just crumpet!)

my lovely friend Michelle (pictured here with the gob on!!!) was on staright vodka (intermersed with water!) in a bid to lose weight (not that she needs to mind!) and sfter 45 min of her being there sshe was on her 5th! soooo, like good responsible irresponsibles friends that we are we bet how many she would down (8.5 in case you're intesrested!)

i love my nights out with the crumpet gals, we always have great fun, we all get on so well, but glad for our livers' sakes that it's just once a month!

i will edit any 'snowflaking' out in the morning....or mamy be not!

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