
By dancoby

old haunts

i'm late posting tonight and having a blonde moment had programmed the wrong date into my camera so i'm hoping this is on!!

Busy Busy already for 2008. Another trip down the M56 today, this time to Stretford to visit with some friends and exchange the last christmas presents!
Our kids rarely see each other but get on well when it happens so a good day was had.
On my way home I quickly stopped off at the first house Mr dc and I bought and blipped the street. This street holds alot of good memories and certainly good times although I don't miss the traffic, which is manic whatever the hour!!
It's nice to remember what good times we've had, in this busy lifestyle, its easy to forget.
Anyway I'm glad for us and our boys we live in the countryside now, the pace of life in the city is too much for me!

Hope you all had a happy wednesday

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