
By robbryce


I don't know about you but when I read this sign I thought what a load of old bollocks! Who do they think they're kidding?

I really detest this type of propaganda, because ultimately, it's a lie!

Let's face it there's not a supermarket or superstore anywhere in the world - who want us to spend less - because if we did, they'd go out of business. QED!

By complete coincidence this is a similar theme of my favourite bloggers today Seth Godin

What do you believe in, superstore marketing, or something more tangible, meaningful and honest?


Look outside: its morning
This is a day you'll remember
Hurry, get up and go
There are those who believe in you
Don't give up

Once in every life
There comes a time
We walk out all alone
And into the light
The moment won't last but then,
We remember it again
When we close our eyes.

Like stars across the sky
And in order to shine
You will have to win
We were born to shine
All of us here because we believe

Look ahead and never turn your back
On the caress of your dreams,
Your hopes and then,
Turn towards the day that will be
There is a finish line there.

Like stars across the sky
And in order to shine
You will have to win
We were born to shine
All of us here because we believe

Don't give up
Someone is with you

Like stars across the sky
We were born to shine
And in order to shine
You will have to win

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