Think, try, share

By JonBusby

Birthday Girl

Lois is 10.

For the last few days every other sentence has contained the word 'Blackberry.' To her credit she has accumulated enough notes to get one.

"What do you want for your birthday?"

"A Blackberry."

My expressions and suggestions re an iPhone have fallen on deaf ears. But then the way she sees it that would take an extra 3 months to save up for.

We have a tradition in our family (traditions are very important in my view). We always go to Frankie and Benny's for birthday dinners.

We love all the lights down and Happy Birthday routine.

It's ten years ago since I first held her in my arms.

Ten years ago since we almost lost her and I sat holding the hand of a baby through the night.

Ten years since I was out of my depth yet reached my comfort zone.

Ten years since I stopped being a boy and became a man (although I did not realise that at the time).

Ten years since we have both grown up.

Ten years of learning.

I never want this to end.

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