Oh, crop!

By iShoot

Bewitching Hour

It was past midnight when me and my friends decided to visit this hunted mansion on top of a hill. From our hotel, the place looks beautiful and inviting. On our way, I closed my eyes and said a short prayer for guidance. But at the same time all sorts of feeling crept all over me, chill down my spine, goose bumps, my heart was pounding so hard against my chest, weakness and a heavy feeling. I dunno perhaps I was paranoid, but then again I had this weird feeling.

When we got back in the hotel, I checked my pictures in the computer hoping that I was able to get good shots considering the state I was in while on location. My friend caught white orbs in his pictures and white lines across the building...it seems that the building was caged! I was so creepy out. My pictures on the other hand, was ok and didn't find any...But, to my surprise I found RED ORBS in the top right corner of my picture. I have 2 more similar pictures with it and the rest are clean.

It was a different experience...Oh well...it was for the love of photography. :D

The witching hour, somebody had once whispered to her, was a special moment in the middle of the night when every child and every grown-up was in a deep deep sleep, and all the dark things came out from hiding and had the world all to themselves."

Roald Dahl

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