Seeing the Future

We've known for days that a Nor'easter is blowing in late tonight. As parent I have to say I love that I knew before dinner tonight, thanks to modern technology and the Internet, that school would be closed tomorrow. I remember as a kid, though, loving the anticipation of listening to the radio on snowy morning, waiting to hear whether our school was closed.

I also learned on the Web today that Apple will release its iPhone 4.0 through Verizon on February 11. Whoohoo! The other carrier has really lousy coverage around here, so I've been looking forward to this for some time. When I read about it I thought to myself, "Only one more month with the crappy cell phone that I have." What I couldn't foresee, however, was that an hour later that crappy cell phone would fall into the toilet at work (don't ask) and die (of course). My anticipation for that iPhone went up exponentially in that moment.

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