
By shy

Damp Squib

If you don't go out on New Year's Eve, you are generally consigned to the telly. Even though the "White Heather Club" is no longer on, the telly is still crap. I had the bright idea of wishing a happy new year to all my subscribers, and at a few seconds to midnight I was still on, but managed to tear myself away to give Flick a hug and a kiss. At about 10 past midnight, Flick went to bed, and I continued my task, but almost immediately a cry came from the bathroom that the lights weren't working. I stopped what I was doing (I had only got to the P's) and went to investigate.
After much pulling and pushing of light-bulbs and twiddling and faffing, I finally gave up and went to bed. On New Year's day, I spent most the day trying to sort the lights out. Those low-voltage halogen lights seemed a good idea at the time, but they've been problematic from the start, and it seems that the transformer has blown. This was installed some years ago along with a new bathroom ceiling, and it was a bugger trying to locate it. The only way to get to it without pulling down the ceiling is to attack it from the loft. The trouble with that is that we insulated and boarded out the loft a little while ago and I had to try and remove a number of boards using the wrong screwdriver to get the screws out.(the boys seem to have nicked my useful tools)

To cut a long story short, I never found the transformer, (although I have narrowed the search area considerably) and Flick has no bathroom light.
What with buggering about with transformers, shower heads, blocked bathroom u-bends and potentially leaking loos, all on New Year's Day, I have come up with my New Year Resolutions:

1 Don't let blipping get in the way of essential household maintenance.
2. Find all my tools, and hide then so the boys can't get them.
3. Don't let sleeping get in the way of essential household maintenance
4. Do some essential household maintenance.
5. Don't make any promises

I did get to visit Archie, but he insists he didn't nick any of my tools.
Drove to Manchester and blipped nothing in particular.

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