Club 107

By club107

Prepare to make the jump to light speed

Today several things happened, all fairly new to club107, well kind of.

Amongst other things ...

Military style operations required to ensure five individuals were dressed, breakfasted, clean faced, hair brushed, teeth brushed, cleanbummed (erm that is number 1 son only) and with bags and packed lunches and out the door by 8am. - success

Number 1 son spent the whole day with the childminder. Given the reports later that day of no tears, no not one single tear, having spent a full day with the childminder, I think we can call that a - success

Madame returned to work after a year in the role of 'lady of leisure', not sure how much leeeszure she managed in that time. It would appear that having found a (kind of) 'computer', things were going well - success.

Dash home to take forgotten violin to the school. - erm success.

Homework x3/feeding #1son /potential poisoning scare with Chilean lilies (no please don't ask) /dinner is being prepared all at the same time - less of a success.

Well we just finished clearing the kitchen only a raft of other things to be done, and tomorrow, we can start it all again.

So this is it, the jump to hyperdrive. Well actually no it is some bubbles under the ice, a clear representation of hyperdrive somewhere in my head.

My soundtrack today was this modern classic about bankers

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