Scarlet Haberdashery

By Haberdashery


And suddenly it's midweek. How did that happen?

My patience was sorely tried this morning, and I was far from good at dealing with it. Thankfully this situation arises almost weekly and so I'll be able to try and control myself a bit better next time. Off to swimming where I forgot my swimming things - good going Meg.

This afternoon I tried to crack on with my list of useful things to be done, but feeling rubbish and so only half as productive as I could've been. Oh well. Bus pass sorted, prospectuses read, seen by a dentist who seemed to be a good deal younger than me (and I'm pretty young myself), and more of my book read. Tick, tick and tick.

My mum has been collecting swizle sticks for a very long time and we now have a menagerie of animal ones. I covet them something fierce. I wanted to play with focussing the camera and how the light catches on the glass. All in all though it's a bit boring me thinks.

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