hannaheno's daily lives

By hannaheno

Tasks I detest

1. Renewing car insurance
2. Handwashing jumpers

These are both things I've tangled with today. As I'm off sick it seemed like a good time to tackle the mound of jumpers, and to get to grips with the annual 'shopping around for car insurance' task.

Our renewal this year came back with a £300 increase, but unfortunately as someone who shall remain nameless had incurred another three points this year, making a total of six, this disclosure led to renewal being revised to £2,150. Yikes. So now it's time to undertake the relentless ringing/holding/pressing buttons on automated systems/being pressganged to take out household insurance/listening to why their insurance is so great etc etc ...

Still, at least the jumpers are washed, and it didn't cost a penny.

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