Hee hee look what I did, Mummy

14 months 21 days

Katie walked up to me, giggling and proud, waving her slipper, having pulled it off.

We went to tea and toast this morning - it was much calmer and the children were being pretty nice today! One of Katies little friends pinched Monkey, and this other girl who is really protective of Katie chased her round the hall shouting 'that's Katie's, that's Katie's, you'll make her sad!'. Katie had come over to me and was tugging my trousers to tell me Monkey had been kidnapped, but Kiki ensured he was returned!

We went home for some dinner before we went to meet Granny and Grandad this afternoon. We were a bit early so we went to the park, but it was rather wet, so Katie only got to go on a seesaw that was dry enough. She then sat on a massive fence post, with me holding her, to eat a snack and watch all the masses of birds. After a wander we went with them for afternoon tea. Katie had her first proper children's meal, and ate quite a bit of it as well (cheesy pasta with peas and brocolli in it, was bound to be a success really) but she also pinched granny's hot cross bun.

This evening she was full of bounce, which I discovered to my disadvantage when the bouncing involved jumping up and down on my tummy. She flaked by 6.30, well and truly run out!

We've had a day of quite a few new words today - she said 'toast', when she saw everyone else was having it and I was trying to feed her the previously rejected porridge, she said 'bird' - until now a lot of birds have been ducks. I told her we were going to see G&G, she said 'Katie Grandad'. And then when I had taken her drink from her because she wanted to shake it everywhere, she pointed at it and asked for 'more'.

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