
It is almost the new year. The leaves crackle brittle in winds of late December. Their time is over, that season is done.

Time to move on. And I am so excited for this new year. For this time I feel very free. There is no cloud of stress or dread over me. There is no let down from some failed partner in my life to drag me down. There is just me this time, unencumbered by the ridiculousness of anyone else's whims. Wiser with my own hopes and expectations.

Free to set my own course right this time, right for me. I am cautiously optimistic. So much freedom can be a burden too. So much freedom can make one forget what freedom's beauty is sometimes. Like all things it needs to be tempered. Yin and yang.

With all the real opportunities ahead though I feel balanced, and I feel good. Centered between the freedom of today and the responsibilities of tomorrow. Prescient in the moment. Lucid in the morrow. And strong in the new year.

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