Gable Erratic

By MsGable


A blipper posted a photo yesterday of a poached egg on toast. I am extremely partial to poached eggs; on toast, with smoked haddock and cheese sauce, with asparagus, on a chicken and bacon salad; stick a poached egg on top and I'm happy. Trouble was, once I'd seen the photograph, could I stop thinking about it? No. I had a troubled night tossing and turning and dreaming of poached eggs.

So this morning I was up early, cracking on and cracking eggs, and, remembering missymoo's 2011 Challenge on the Forum, there I had it, a lovely creamy poached egg, and my blip of the day.

I've managed to miss week one's challenge which was "cold" but maybe I'll be able to double it up with a later one. Great idea missymoo, especially for someone like me who is challenged for ideas. Thank you

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