I feel infinite.

By racheelz

Tell Me That You'll Open Your Eyes

Every minute from this minute now
We can do what we like anywhere
I want so much to open your eyes
'Cause I need you to look into mine

It's kind of cool how I find titles for my blips sometimes. I type something into google that relates to my post and find the first song that pops up to take a listen. If I like the song, I'll find some of the lyrics and make it my blip title. This song happens to be by Snow Patrol, Open Your Eyes.

It's a snowy day today here. It's been snowing all day and it's supposed to snow all the way until tomorrow. I love when snowflakes fall and land everywhere...so I wanted to take a picture. Unfortunately, I'm usually the only person I can take pictures of because I don't have siblings or models. You guys will just have to deal with a ton of self portraits haha. Also, I must mention that this photo was taken on manual settings!! I'm finally trying to step out of my typical shutter priority.

I just realized that my one year ago blip is similar! I guess some things don't change... :) Now I'm currently hoping for a snow day! Time to do the snow dance.

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