Thistle Down

By Ethel

Uncle Billie

Uncle Billie...he is rich,
And it was really funny.
He never gave a lot away,
He always kept...his money.

He never worked much in his life,
But he some how had a pull.
Call it...blessings...if you must,
His cup was always full.

He had no kids to eat it up,
At least...not one was known.
The money that he hid away,
Was his...and his alone.

I some times wished within my heart,
That he'd not be so tight.
That he would claim me as his own,
To be his favorite.

I worry about my Uncle Bill,
Since he's not one that's given.
Will all his riches go with him,
Will he be poor in heaven?

E.P. 1908 - 1989

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