just allan

By allan

Green Man

Gordon (waiting to) cross the Mound in Edinburgh. Duncan had a Dental Hospital appointment, expecting a filling, which turned into an extraction. Bummer (ho, ho). We went to Game to spend Duncan's Christmas voucher, then lunched in Princes St gardens. Duncan felt a bit rubbish.

Gordon tagged along because he (persuaded me that he) felt a bit rubbish this morning and was best off school. There are of course lots of things that attract us to Edinburgh - the buses, street crossings, lifts, escalators, ambulances, tourists, hills and pointless tram tracks. There's also a castle and stuff and they looked great today but the main focus of the day was who's turn it was to push the button. Rather like the Cold War but more rational.

There's pictures on Flickr - but they're all linked above!

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