Lone Duck
There was no blue sky on this Summers day, a cool breeze which made me wonder if a jacket was required before I left home. The rain came down and the road ahead looked like 'pea soup'. With the wipers blinking and the lights on Mum and I continued to the city for our weekly grocery shop. By the time we came home the rain had gone, the air was still and we found this lone duck sitting quietly on the water surrounded by gentle ripples and reflections - a mirror of calmness and greenery.
Thank you for your comments, stars and hearts on yesterdays 'White Faced Heron' you are all so kind and I'm feeling very humble. It will be a image I will always treasure as its one I have been after for quite some time :)
Lovely to have the day with Mum again, its been a while with having family to stay, we took our time over a cuppa for a chat and then a quiet walk along this little lake :)
Its now time to prepare tea, I think we're having a Pasta dish tonight, better go and make a start - be back soon :))
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