through His eyes.

By throughHiseyes


Sometimes I wonder why God created time.

As I crazily organized my whole second semester of college in my little planner and with all these course's syllabus and piles of books lying on my desk, I'm already stressed. And it hurts to know that some people still thinks I'm not trying my best to do better right now.

Just looking at these piles of paper and books already built on my desk is making me so stressed out, this blip entry is probably the only moment today that I had to just relax and do something I want to do.

I didn't have class until 2pm today but I woke up at 8:30AM with my roommates to get the day started: laundry, last unpacking, meeting with counselor, get our Upass, class, meal times, studying ahead, get textbooks, and finally this.

And I'm just blabbering because my mind's probably running on 100mph right now. All I can is pray and ask God for wisdom, motivation, and strength during this next semester.

I'm crazy aren't I?

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