jeni and the beans

By themessymama


"family is born out of the laughter of Heaven. why else would we delight in wiping runny noses and birthdays that aren't our own?"
Maggie Lindley

Somebody spoke, last night, about migrating geese. How they fly in formation so as to make things as easy as possible to travel the incredibly distances they travel. How the leader breaks a way through the air, and the others follow in the slipstream. How when it gets tired, it drops back and another takes its place.

How when one gets so tired or injured and can't carry on and starts falling away, two others will drop back and provide support. Either the support needed to keep going, or to help it find the ground safely, and they will stay with it until it is strong enough to fly again - even if that means staying with it over winter in a cold place rather than making it to the warmer climate they were headed for.

I am grateful for my church family who, perhaps without even realising they were doing it, dropped back and encouraged me, and have lifted me up again.

Sometimes when you are feeling the way I was yesterday morning, the thing you need most is to get with other believers and let their faith buoy you up again. When we're tired we need to be lifted up by others, when we see others who are tired we need to lift them up. Or stand with them until they have strength enough to fly again.

Still grateful.

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