By wellsforzoe

Digging a new well in Doroba

Harisen wrote earlier today:


St John of God started a self-help projects in some of the villages in Mzuzu.

We went with Bright to some of these projects in Doloba. Br Aidan and Charles Masulani went as well.They discovered that some of the villagers need is water.

They asked Wells For Zoe to visit the villages and help them with wells and pumps.

We had a meeting with villagers, visited the places where they are currently drinking water from and agreed to provide them with five pumps, and they will dig the wells as soon as possible.

It is sad to note that they have been drinking from these open wells since the creation of the world. Their problem becomes worse during the rainy season, just like it is now when all the running water goes into their unprotected water sources, and the water becomes very dirty but they still go to the same wells. causing them diarrhoea, cholera, typhoid and other sicknesses.

Harisen was promptly on it, and digging has begun today.
Villagers anxious about their first well

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