Wandering Gypsie

By WanderingGypsie

I stand corrected LOL!

**Correction to this thanks to a high school friend This is actually an apartment building, the library is apparently NOTHING to write home or blip about ROFL**

Running errands for my dad today.. this Library is on the way to one of his clients. I just think it's beautiful. all i had was my HERO so that's why the quality isn't the greatest. (well at least i hope it is..there as a sign in front of the building road side that said Public library ---> lol)

In other news, i'm giving myself a dose of music positive music therapy. The Handsome Michael Buble' is in my disk drive right now singing to me ^_^ it's working to lift my mood. Bought more of his music today and also purchased my first Frank Sinatra CD. They sound very similar. Frank and Michael. so would stand to reason i'd like Frank too right? Not that i ever didn't ..just wasn't exposed to much of his music.

anyway..gotta run for now..im feeling creative again :D

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