Happy new year!

Happy New Year everyone! Hope it will be a great one filled with beautiful pictures [=

My ?new? year - Dutch time - started with a toast, some food, and then some rest in bed. To get out of the house at 11 pm again to watch the fireworks and celebrate the new year. In Valparaiso was one of the biggest and most beautiful fireworks-shows of South-America. At different points in the water there was the same fireworks, which we could all see from the place where we were standing. We were lucky with our seats, standing on a bench at one of the many hills, looking right over the people in front of us. I can tell you the people behind us weren?t so happy with us. They had been there since 3 pm; however, if they would stand up they could easily look over us and when we started to join the people in screaming ?¡Chi Chi Chi Le Le Le, VIVA CHILE!? everything was fine. In one moment the whole atmosphere of how the people acted towards us changed.

After celebrating and a little bit of sleep, it was time to take another bus. First a small bus towards the terminal, which in the end was filled with people who just finished celebrating and trying to get home. This shot was taken at 8 in the morning while we were waiting at the terminal where there were many people.. tired.

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